Lead Campaigner

Edward Oakes
Vice President Campaigns and Welfare


The aim of this campaign is to get the cost of the Medway Bus reduced and to increase the running hours of the Avery Hill Bus to 9pm.


The University of Greenwich provides an inter-campus bus service between all three of its campuses. Although, the service between Greenwich and Avery Hill is free, prices to and from Medway are high with a return ticket costing £6.50. We believe this is an unacceptable charge for students to pay. The buses currently operate between the hours of 8:00am and 6:15pm, meaning that many students who finish lectures later than this are not being offered this service. The building of Stockwell Street means campus mobility is even more important now than it was last year. We believe all University of Greenwich students should have a fairer access to this new facility and that requires making travel to and from Greenwich more affordable and more frequent to Students.

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