
"Greenwich is such an amazing place for all of its students! The SU is really supportive and ensures there’s something that can excite everyone! Plus there are so many opportunities that are constantly made open to us via our lecturers!"


Events Society President


"Students Unions have been an essential part of my career development, from being part-time freshers staff to full-time employment beyond graduation. Everyone is welcome in an SU and the togetherness you experience – from Officers, clubs, societies and fellow staff – helps to shape you as a person."


SU Staff


"With such a great University, and a great team, it’s an amazing experience to work with the Union and improve student experience!"


Disney Society President


"I am proud to be GRE because of the people I have met and the friends I have made. The experiences that I have had and the memories I have made will forever make me proud to be GRE."


Business Faculty Officer


"Students’ Unions play a key role in enhancing students’ experiences, whether it’s joining a club or society, or becoming an academic representative. We have a thriving Students’ Union here at Greenwich, Freshers’ Fair was voted #1 in London this year, and I would love to see even more students taking part in the extra-curricular services SUUG offers. I am #ProudToBeGRE and represent the University ."


Vice Chancellor


"I am Proud To Be GRE because: the SU has made such a massive impact on my life, it has given me a job during university through which I have made some of my best friends, and the ability to directly make change through Student Council."


Student Council Chair


"It's safe to say that the SU at Greenwich changed my university experience and life. Not only did it give me a place to go and activities to keep me busy, but I forged solid friendships with amazing people. Not to mention giving me the confidence to take on the world."


SU President 2013-15


"The Students’ Union is making a really positive contribution to the teaching and learning of Greenwich students. This year there are more programme reps than ever before.  The student voice is really important to Greenwich and I’m delighted that reps are in place and have received SUUG training to help them work with us to ensure we deliver an excellent student experience." 


Deputy Vice Chancellor


"I’ve had lots of roles within SUs from liberation officer to security staff, and from society leader to societies coordinator. SUs offer great experiences to everyone involved in them and if you get involved you’ll end up loving it too."


SU Staff


"The Students' Union introduced me to many great and new opportunities that helped and shaped me into the person I'm today. I've discovered new interests and became ridiculously passionate about higher education during my time at uni. That's what makes me so proud to be GRE."


VP Education 2016-17


"I'm proud to be a member of this Students' Union and University because we aren't perfect. We accept our mistakes and make meaningful strides to be better. At the Student's Union we're utterly obsessive about student experience. Your experience! We constantly question and challenge ourselves to make sure we're doing everything we can to make your time here at Greenwich better. It's a simple set of words, but they're our north star at the Students' Union University of Greenwich."


VP Student Activities 2016-17


"My SU was a place I felt safe, had fun and made friends for life. I enjoyed taking part in our activities and having a job in our bars. I felt so passionate about the needs of students that I chose to stand to be an elected representative and won! I has such a fantastic year in Office and the time influenced my decision to work in the charity sector. Being an elected Officer also helped shape me to stop, listen, take stock before reacting. I also made friends for life who 11 years later still support me and love me!"


SU Chief Executive


"The SU had a big impact on my time at university! Because of the warm atmosphere, I instantly felt welcomed and also encouraged to get more involved. I met and continue to meet amazing people through everything the SU offers and does for students!"


LGBT+ Students Officer


"For me I love working for the SUUG! Being an adviser everyday brings a new challenge, I get to meet a variety of students all with different cultures, backgrounds and issues that they need support for. The relief on their faces as they are able to discuss their issues is why I enjoy my role so much , the positive outcomes are just a bonus. I am proud to say I am a member of the SUUG family"


SU Staff


"I'm proud to be GRE because it has given me so many unique opportunities. From being a member of staff for the university, to being a Faculty Officer with the SU, I couldn't have got this experience anywhere else"


ACH Faculty Officer


"My student union shaped me into an outgoing student and a confident, well prepared graduate. I met life long friends and built an awesome network through participating in all that the SU had to offer. The SU pushed me to challenge the status quo and stand up for what I believe in and I hope I inspired others to stand up and represent future Greenwich students too."


VP Student Activities 11-12


"Being part of the Students’ Union has taught me something no amount of academic literature could ever teach me. It has taught me how to be a leader, a change maker and a human being. I came to University to have a fun time, I wanted to meet new friends, play football and experience new things. My Students’ Union allowed me to do that. My SU helped me understand myself, my potential and my values, it has shaped my life and will definitely shape my future."


SU President 2016-17


"I love working for the SU as I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with so many amazing and passionate students who constantly inspire me and have shaped me into the person I am today."


SU Staff


"Being able to look around and see potential. To see young intelligent adults finding their feet in the shadow of such an amazing city, fills me with hope for our country, Europe, and for the world in these troubled times."




"Sending love and support to our fabulous SU on #Love Sus Friday. Students’ Unions are vital to the student voice and are at the heart of making universities vibrant and inclusive. Greenwich is very lucky to have such dedicated, inspiring and supportive sabbatical and staff teams."


Chief Operating Officer


"I am proud to be GRE because it's inclusive to all students and strives to help you realise and achieve your passions no matter who you are."


Volunteering Officer


"I'm proud to be GRE because of the immense and fantastic diversity of students. Such diversity is something to be proud of and I can't think of any other place as culturally progressive as Greenwich. It's like have the world come to you."


Politics Society President


"The SU is my second home the last 3 years of my life. Here I found fresh food, a job, friends for life, my flatmates and even love.  I can’t imagine how my life could have been without being part of this family and I am grateful for all the experiences I gained."


SU Staff


"SUUG has empowered me and given me real life changing experiences which I will never forget. Being involved in my role currently allows me to give back to the Union and change the life's of thousands of students which is an adventure as I get to work with a team of dedicated and passionate staff which makes getting up every morning exciting!"


VP Welfare 2016-17


"When I started at university I had never even heard of what an SU was. During Fresher's week I met all the different societies and sports teams and my life changed in more ways than I could imagine, bringing me out of my shell and giving me real opportunities to make me highly employable. Since finishing University I have changed my career plan and started to work within the Students’ Union as it has brought out the passion I never knew I had and I cannot imagine ever going back."


SU Staff


"Greenwich has the most beautiful campus, and I can openly criticize modules, and teaching methods. There is good engagement: academics tend to engage with students through direct feedback, and I love being part of such a multicultural community."




"I'm Proud to be GRE because it's a beautiful site and having lecturers from all types of industries, from all over the world, provides us with real life experience towards our studies."


Student Staff


"Being involved in my SU changed my life – completely! Before then I didn’t even know that jobs like the ones I’ve done since Uni even existed, let alone considered doing them. I’ve had so many opportunities to try new things, gain skills, meet an amazing array of people, and get a career that I love, I #LoveSUs and think everyone should get involved!”


Su Staff


"What I love about the SU is that they really care about and listen to their students. Everybody has the opportunity to be involved and make a change."


President Vegan Society


"The SU changed my university experience by encouraging and enabling me to do things that I'd never done before, like host huge fundraisers and manage groups of volunteers. This meant that I made loads of new friends, held many amazing events and most importantly got the experience I needed to go and pursue my career in the charity sector"


SU Staff


"The SU has had just a big impact on my uni life, from joining societies as a fresher to working in the bars. The inclusivity and safety has made me feel so at home and does so for so many more students too. The services available for students really help to make everyone's university experience better, from the advice service to the events. Through the SU I was able to meet so many fantastic people who have and will stay lifelong friends."


Student Staff


"The SU has opened up new doors for me to achieve what I had never thought of doing before. I gained confidence by getting involved in the activities and running them by myself!"


International Students Officer


"The Students’ Union completely made my university experience. It exposed me to new opportunities, new ways of working, and new friendships, and it helped me develop my confidence and grow as a person. "


SU Staff


"The SU changed my university experience by encouraging and enabling me to do things that I'd never done before, like host huge fundraisers and manage groups of volunteers. This meant that I made loads of new friends, held many amazing events and most importantly got the experience I needed to go and pursue my career in the charity sector"


Volunteering Officer 2015-16


"SU’s are no less than phenomenal places, they teach some of the most disenfranchised students that they have the right to be heard on every level, and actively providing a platform that might otherwise be denied. It is a privilege to work every day in SU’s, facilitating and empowering students as change makers. It's a dream to work within a network of organisations that have changed my life so much for the better, and which consistently affect positive change for others. Forever thankful for the officers and staff who work tirelessly to keep them running! "


SU Staff