Democracy is at the heart of GKSU and so voting is important to us!

At GKSU, we elect our Student Group Committees, our Medway Network Chairs, our NUS Delegates and the Full-Time Officers. You can also vote on whether you think ideas submitted on our Have Your Say platform by students should be implemented and determine what GKSU should work on for students.

Make sure you vote!

By electing students to represent you, we are able to keep our finger on the pulse of current student issues and ensure we are student-led in all of our activities and decisions.

By voting on ideas that have been submitted, we are able to prioritise what matters to students and what you want us to change.

Priority #2 - We are the voice of Medway

No decisions about us, without us...

Make reps and department contacts our best friends

Embed "no decisions about us without us" and explore paid representation roles

Be proactive and fierce in the pursuit of efficient, positive change for students

Give all students a bigger voice through more channels and more insight-led, data-driven campaigns

Find engaging ways to celebrate wins

Get to know our students and provide a targeted offer for specific parts of our diverse population