
Democracy is at the heart of the Students' Union (SU). We elect four full time and 11 part time officers every March to be student leaders dealing with issues affecting all University of Greenwich students


In our 2015 Elections:


individual students had their say and cast



That's a healthy increase on our 2014 Elections, wheree


students cast a total of



Elections 2015 Results

Sabbatical Officers 2015-2016

Part-time Officers 2015-2016



The SU campaigns on behalf of students to fight injustices.


Costs campaign

The 2014-15 Costs Campaign was successful in ensuring that commitments and policies are in place to benefit future students for years to come: for example, reducing and eliminating hidden costs.

Wins include –

  • Library Fines are no longer levied for overdue items, providing they are not required by another student (This starts from the 2016-17 academic year).
  • The cost of printing is frozen until 2017. The University is also initiating a review of printing costs that will look at what costs are passed on to students, what information is provided to ensure costs are completely transparent, and what technology is provided to reduce the requirement for printing.
  • The University will state explicitly (in the prospectus) the estimated total cost of programmes, covering items such as software, field trips and other related expenditures. The prospectus will also identify all programmes that require students to undertake a placement that may incur travel costs.
  • Students in halls of residence will be given a standardised list of charges linked on the electronic contract they agree to during “moving in weekend.”
  • One replacement ID card will be free to students if it is lost or required as a result of specified reasons.

Inter-campus bus campaign

This campaign produced a big win with the Greenwich – Medway ticket prices reduced and frozen until 2018, with free travel between Greenwich and Avery Hill campuses if you have classes on the day that you’re travelling.

The SU has also secured an extension of the Avery Hill - Greenwich service on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, when it runs until 10pm.

#GenerationVote & General Election campaign

As part of the national NUS campaign, Sabbatical Officers used their Student Voice Roadshows to persuade students to register to vote. The SU also ran a social media campaign (supported by the NUS's campaign resource toolkit), hosted debates for each of the candidates running in the University campuses constituencies, and sent targeted emails and posters to students living in halls to remind them how and where they could vote.

The SU also hosted a General Elections results party in Bar Latitude to stream the results live right through until 5.00am.



Student Council is the governing body of the democratic arm of the SU, comprising 41 elected representatives – any student may attend. ;


Motions passed at Student Council

Any student or elected officer can submit policy (usually in the form of a motion) to Student Council and enact change within the SU. This year, key motions have included:

  • Increasing support and representation of Care Leavers
  • Periods Are Pricey - a motion for the SU shop to sell sanitary products at cost price.
  • Changes in Elections Regulations to remove slates and conduct elections completely online
  • Changes to Officer portfolios - specifically changing the role of the VP Welfare & Campaigns to VP Welfare and spreading the duty of campaigning across all officers.