

Volunteers are a vital part of what the Students’ Union (SU) does, and we love empowering and enabling students as volunteers. During 2014-15 we’ve supported students to do amazing things in the University and local communities, as well as celebrating their achievements.


Our Activities and Volunteering toolkit supports a range of opportunities, training, and recognition, including the place where volunteers log their hours for their Greenwich Student Certificate for Volunteering (GSCV), and the skills acquired, so enhancing their employability.

Volunteers have also allowed the SU to develop relationships, particularly improving our relationship with the local community, the University’s volunteering support staff and Greenwich Volunteer Centre.

There are


registered volunteers, logging a total of


hours of volunteering in 2014-15.


students volunteered as Freshers Helpers for Freshers 2014. With


students registered as Freshers Helpers for 2015

Student Groups

Student Groups are essential for the SU to deliver its objectives, support the Student Experience and affect student lives positively. Below students talk about the employability, cognitive, and life skills that being a member of a Student Group has enabled them to develop and hone.

We currently have


Student Groups, comprising



Every group has an elected committee. SU staff support groups in organising and running elections, and provide training for new committees. The SU trained


student leaders for their new role on their groups’ committees, covering a range of skills including: marketing, health & safety, and event management.

Specifically for our sports teams, over


fixtures were played in 2014/15, with


per cent of University of Greenwich teams finishing in the top half of the table

These students are supported by a team of full time and part time staff, including student staff. This means that through the continued success of Student Groups, we can employ student staff to support these groups, which allows us to develop the skills and employability of these student staff. The extra money from flexible, paid employment doesn't hurt either!

Spotlight on a Student Group: Pluralism in Economics

Our Pluralism in Economics society started this academic year and is part of an international movement for pluralism in the study of Economics, pushing for the curriculum to reflect real life more explicitly.

The Pluralism in Economics Society hosted the national Rethinking Economics conference at the end of June, with 16 guest speakers delivering keynote speeches, lectures and workshops based on a wide range of economic theory and practice. Approximately 300 students and other interested parties attended.


Varsity is our annual sporting fixture with local rivals #TeamMedway (the sports clubs of GK Unions). This year, Varsity expanded to include nine events and an alternative Varsity (non-competitive, friendly match-ups) for the first time. #TeamGreenwich won 5-4!


Out of


games played, #TeamGreenwich beat #TeamMedway


This was the first year that we played an 'Alternative Varsity', where noncompetitive sports teams and Societies are able to face off against their Medway equivalents. This allowed students to engage in the friendly rivalry between campuses that our sports teams enjoy year round.

Varsity is an important annual event, allowing all students and supporters to develop a sense of pride in their University (a key strategic aim of the Students' Union) and enhancing team and relationship building skills through exposure to students they wouldn't otherwise meet.


Every year we host two Awards evenings for our Student Groups and volunteers: Sports Awards, where students and clubs are presented with awards including team colours, Team of the Year, Club of the Year, and Sportsperson of the Year; and Union Awards, where society members and volunteers are celebrated with Society Awards, Student Voice Awards and Union Recognition Awards.

These awards end up on students' University transcripts and Higher Education Achievement Reports, so these accreditations are nationally recognised.

"Honestly, if it wasn't for cheer I would have dropped out of uni. When my uni work got too much for me, the squad supported me and cheered me on, and I have loved every second of my time with the squad"

A marvelous student from the Sports Awards evening


students came to Union Awards and


students came to Sports Awards to celebrate their achievements during the year

“In our society we believe that no idea is a bad idea. There has never been a time when another member has been neglected or not acknowledged.”

A wonderful student from the Union Awards evening

Union Awards Winners

You can see a full list of the winners, including Union Recognition Award, here

Sports Awards Winners

You can see a full list of the winners here

Student Staff



As a Students' Union, we're here to increase the opportunities available to students during and after their time at the University of Greenwich. Employment within the Students' Union is just one of the amazing things we do to achieve that goal.


In 2014/15, we employed approximately


students as staff in all departments of the Students' Union.

In 2014/15, we collectively paid our student staff


pounds! (approximately 10% of overall SU spending going straight back into student's pockets!)


The SU employs students to support our Communications, Activities, Student Voice, Sustainability Hub, Bars, Shops, Finance, and Reception departments, empowering and enabling them in their professional development. Student staff develop their customer service, event management, and team building skills – and many more.

Don't take our word for it - see for yourself what they've said about working here!

“They are approachable when you want a question answered and they are fun! Everyone needs fun!”

An appropriately enthusiastic student commenting on our staff

Here's what our student staff think of us...

Gabs Kay

BA Hons Events Management Graduate,

Current Activities and Events Intern (Previously a Student Sports Activator)

How has working in a Students’ Union environment better prepared you for life after University?

The experience and knowledge that I gained as a student staff member helped me to gain my current employment. As the Activities and Events intern I am looking to learn new and develop existing skills by attending courses and workshops which are available to me as a member of staff at Greenwich. After this year think I will be in a position to enter an organisation with complete confidence in myself and my abilities, due to experiences gained here.

As a sports activator, I was able to gain experience working on my own initiative or as part of a team. I also coordinated and delivered sporting events such as a Christmas dodgeball tournament. I gained experience managing individuals which allowed me to become more confident.”

Jon Rodney-Jones

Year 4, Computing with Games Development (Sandwich Course),

Bar Supervisor

“Working at Greenwich SU has given me skills I can use after I finish university including delegation, team working, team leading & more. It’s also given me insight into how the SU works, but also the University meaning that I have become the go to guy for advice on the Uni & SU. The working environment at the Students' Union is really relaxed and everyone knows everyone, no two shifts are the same & everything is flexible around your studies.”

Fiona Mather

Graduated, BSC Hons Psychology with Counselling, Class of 2014,

Freshers Coordinator 2014

“Working at the SU gave me a gentle introduction to what it's like to work in an office environment. As it's very relaxed but everyone works very hard when it is needed. Freshers week showed me how hard I can work and how a team pull together when there are multiple events to organise and run. It’s the best work environment you will ever work in! The people are great and the office is above a bar!”

Simon Callisto

Graduated, BA Hons Media & Communications, Class of 2015

Sparrows Bartender/Steward

“It’s given me the opportunity to learn what committing to a long term job feels like, making it easier to adjust to being a graduate and working in a more professional environment. Furthermore it taught me a lot about people, and the ways in which to deal with them. Over the years I learnt to remain calm, and deal with every situations, regardless of how stressful or extreme it may be, in a respectable and professional manner.

We worked as a team, treated each other with respect and it ensured the job got done. Sparrows is an experience you need to have in your life, as dramatic as that seems, but it teaches you things.”

Anthony Russell

3rd Year, BSc Geography

Green Ambassador Coordinator at the Sustainability Hub

“In my capacity I lead on the Hub’s communication & outreach strategy including social media. I support the other Green Ambassadors in their roles, offering advice and giving them a helping hand whenever needed. I also coordinate our kitchen garden and guide volunteers at the Edible Garden in Avery Hill. Finally, as part of the Hub’s local schools outreach I deliver workshops to children about the environment, and on how to grow and care for food.

Working in the SU has provided me with a high degree of leadership, planning, and collaborative experience. I have been able to work with University staff, which has helped to refine and develop the projects that I have been working on.“


Why are we measuring this?

The idea behind measuring and recording this data is partly strategic: a key objective of the Students' Union Project 2017 is 'An SU which is integral to University life'. To be integral to University life, we need to better understand the reasons why (and why not) students engage with us, and if they do engage with us, what areas of the Students' Union are they engaging with.

During this academic year, the Students' Union decided to undertake a Student Engagement project to better monitor the levels of students engaging (in a variety of ways) with us

A key strategic objective of the Students’ Union is to better understand our members, in particular, by taking advantage of the data that we receive on them. With this data, we understand and can track the following trends from our members:

  • Course
  • Faculty
  • Attendance at Events
  • Membership of Student Groups
  • Voting in Elections
  • Standing in Elections
  • Membership of Student Leadership positions
  • Termtime residency
  • Volunteering projects
  • Study location




This wealth of data allows us to collect different aspects of student life, such as volunteering or attendance at events or Student Group Leadership positions, and create criteria to capture levels of engagement.


(Data correct as of 5th August 2015)

Where do we want to be in 2016?

This ambitious data project has the potential to provide us with a wealth of information on our students. It also can be used as a planning tool: if we can increase attendances at our events or students joining societies, we can increase numbers of engaged students and reduce numbers of students in the Non-engaged column. Our target engagement numbers for 2016 are as follows:

Highly Engaged members:


Moderately Engaged members:


Lowly Engaged members:


Non-Engaged members:

No more than 40%

Highly Engaged Criteria

Current student studying at Avery Hill or Greenwich; Stood in or voted in an Election; Student Group leadership position or programme/faculty/Part time Officer; Student staff or attended an event

Moderately Engaged Criteria

Current student studying at Avery Hill or Greenwich; Student Group member or Volunteer; Student staff or attended an event; Voted in an election

Engagement levels (%)

Not Engaged Criteria

Current student studying at Avery Hill or Greenwich; (we have no recordable information on this group)

Lowly Engaged Criteria

Current student studying at Avery Hill or Greenwich; attended an event


The Give it a Go programme provides events and activities for students to get involved in on an ad hoc basis, featuring a wide range of activities, from Student Group led events, recreational sports through our Get Active programme, or just trips and activities for students to try.

Supported by a graduate intern in 2014-15 (and again this year) , the Give it a Go programme has been a huge success this year. Aside from the good attendances, we've empowered and enabled student leaders and Student Groups to work together and host bigger and better events and activities, allowing them to develop their relationship management and event management skills.




students involved in recreational sport activities


attendances at events during 2014-15

Wheelchair basketball hosted by Give it a Go

In October 2014 we recruited our staff member to lead the Give it a Go programme; the Activities & Events Intern. This role was only open to University of Greenwich graduates, providing this graduate with a chance to build their skills and knowledge in event management. The success of the Give it a Go programme has enabled the Students' Union to continue to offer this role, and the 2015-16 Activities and Events Intern has already started with us, playing a pivotal part in the planning and delivery of Freshers events and activities.”

Give it a Go Take Me Out



Sports & Societies Tours


We took


smiling students on tour to either Lloret de Mar (Spain) or Amsterdam.

Every year, the SU organises a sports tour for our teams before the end of year exams. The objectives of the tour are to allow the students a chance for a cheap break (usually to Spain or France depending on the tour organisers) before they take their exams, as well as to experience a culture different to one they may be used too. Additionally, there a range of social opportunities meeting other students from other Universities, through competitive sport matches. The tour is affordable and available to every member of a sports team.

This year, for the first time, we also organised a Societies Tour to Amsterdam. This tour was open to anyone, but targeted at society members, and provided a long weekend away in Amsterdam for students not in clubs to reap the same benefits as those going on sports tour.

“This society has literally transformed my time at this Uni Without it, it wouldn't have been the same. I have made so many friends and have had so much fun participating in their events and going to all of their trips!!! I love it and can’t wait to try out for committee next year!”

A enthusiastic society member