Think hair. Think Luke. Vote Luke #1!
4 Action Areas:
- Work with NUS to get tuition fees scrapped.
- Work with students to secure refunds for inadequate learning and teaching.
- Greater transparency as to how tuition fees are spent by Greenwich University.
- Reduce wait times by having an assessment session to point you to best service quicker.
- Get staff from more diverse backgrounds who understand our problems and to make students more comfortable.
- Ensure more contact with personal tutors are made to feel supported and help engagement.
- Ensure the university is on target for net zero carbon by 2030 as per the university strategy.
- Find new ways to improve efficiency of Greenwich buildings.
- Speed up introduction of low emission university transport.
Sports and Societies:
- Lobby government to let sports and societies return with regular testing.
- Make funds available for quick purchase of necessary equipment on return.
- Provide opportunities for society collaboration across campuses.
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Successful Campaigns:
- Speeding up implementation of no detriment policy for 2020/21.
- Helping develop the university strategy for 2030.
- Bookable bus seats and low emission buses.
- Making sure feedback is discussed by senior staff and not passed off.
- Fought for the best outcomes for students in conduct panels, fitness to study and fitness to practice panels.