UoG Indian Society


  • UOG Indian Society Student Membership£0.00


  • UOG Indian Society Student Membership£0.00

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About UoG Indian Society


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UoG Indian Society

Namaste!, As-Salaam-Alaikum!, Sat Sri Akal!, Hello! and what not, UoG Indian Society aims at bringing our Indian Culture and traditions in the UK with great events and meetups.

Who are we?

Welcome to Indian Society Greenwich

To celebrate our unique diversity we come together in of Greenwich, London. We present endless events to introduce and preserve every Indian festival, language and traditions. None with standing all apparent and endless diversities, India has always been culturally one and organically whole-from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Dilburgh to Dwarka. 
We come together to make every career journey memorable. 

Join us if you are looking forward to some exciting events.


Got any questions? Contact a member of our committee:

President- Sashal Bhandari 

Vice President- Vanya Kapoor

Captain/Treasurer- Disha Kulkarni

Former President - Saksham Jain

Former President (2018-19) - Ankur Chaudhary

Former President (2019-20) - Sameer Dhore

Former President (2020-21) - Ratika Deshpande




Buy your membership

  • UOG Indian Society Student Membership£0.00


There are no scheduled events. Contact us for future events.