Hindu Society


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About Hindu Society


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Hindu Society

Who are we?

Our aim as a society, is to provide a place for fellow Hindus to meet like-minded people from similar cultural backgrounds where we can learn about and celebrate Hindu culture and religion in a fun and informative way. 

From celebrating festivals to having discussions with fellow members about topics that are important to you, we hope to provide a home away from home for students and create a strong and spirited community within the university. Throughout the year we plan to work with different societies and Universities to collaborate on big events such as Navratri and Diwali.

As a society we would love to affiliate with the National Students Hindu Forum (NHSF) which strives to promote, preserve, practice and protect our Hindu Dharma. 

Our society welcomes students from all different backgrounds to join our society and take part in our events, meet new people and discover more about the Hindu culture. 

We aim to bring together young Hindus as well as students who are interested in the culture of Hinduism and provide them with a fun and unique atmosphere for them to connect with each other.? 

We aspire to create a "home away from home" for many students.



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  • Standard Member£0.00


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