harry hearn

Mens Football

Favourite Varsity Moment/ Memory:
1st year varsity for me, one of the biggest, most tense moments of football. This pen goes in, greenwich win varsity. As soon as that penalty went in and we all rushed the pitched in celebration, cor does that send chills down you. 
What is the best thing about being part of Team Greenwich?
Team greenwich has loads of little families. Football is my family. Whether it be playing on Wednesday or going out of the evening with the lads, they’re memories being made for a lifetime. 
Favourite sporting moment at University?
My first year varsity springs to mind again. Playing in the early kick off with all the football family and more watching. 85 minutes passed and still no goal, then out of nowhere, in the back of the net and the celebrations begun. At this moment it felt real, i was proud to be part of this football family. G G GRE! 
Would you recommend students join a sports team or student group at University?
Most definitely, everyone is different however i feel a sports team changes your experiences. For me university has not just been about going to lectures and sitting in a room wasting away. Its been about looking forward to fixtures and socials. Being part of a new family and making friends for life.  I was born essex, but i was made at the University of Greenwich!