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Catering and Food Safety

‘Catering at Events’ guidance to help you ensure all provision of food at events is safe and compliant with legislation.

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There are four categories of catering permitted for use at Student Group events
1)    Pre-packaged Foods
2)    Baked Goods
3)    GSU Catering 
4)    External Catering 

Home-made Food

Home-made cooked food other than baked goods are not permitted at any student group events. This is due to the risk involved, and the liability should any of your members fall ill.

1)    Pre-packaged Foods

If you are bringing along pre-packaged or pre-cooked food which does not require reheating, you do not need to let us know in advance. When dealing with pre-packaged goods please ensure you:
•    Buy from a reputable supplier (i.e supermarket)
•    Keep the original packaging for display
•    Ensure allergen information is readily available and prominently displayed
•    Follow manufacturer’s instructions about safe storage of product
•    Ensure food is kept and served in a clean environment
•    Ensure no cross-contamination takes place at any stage of collection, transportation or serving of the food (i.e all goods are kept separate)
•    Acknowledge that the Union does not accept liability for food/drink consumed from the event/activity

2)    Baked Goods

If you are planning to provide or sell baked goods (cakes, muffins, cookies, shortbread etc) at any club or society event, please inform us at least 5 working days in advance by emailing activities@greenwich.ac.uk 
When dealing with baked goods, please bear in mind the following guidelines:
•    Ensure that all those preparing or serving food will follow appropriate Health & Safety guidelines in the preparation, transporting and serving of baked goods.
•    Ensure that all allergens contained within the food are recorded and prominently displayed. Food safety allergens can be found here: https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-hygiene/food-allergy-and-intolerance 
•    Ensure no cross-contamination takes place at any stage of preparation, transportation or serving of the baked goods (i.e all goods are kept separate)
•    Follow sensible food preparation and storage guidelines (see tips from the Food Standards Agency below)
•    Acknowledge that the Union does not accept liability for food/drink consumed from the event/activity

Food Standard Agency Tips for Bake Sales

If you make baked goods at home:
•    use recipes from reputable sources 
•    always wash your hands before preparing food
•    make sure that surfaces, bowls, utensils, and any other equipment are clean
•    don't use raw eggs in anything that won't be thoroughly cooked, such as icing or mousse
•    keep cheesecakes and any cakes or desserts containing fresh cream in the fridge
•    store cakes in a clean, sealable container, away from raw foods

On the day, when you bring in baked goods from home or run the stall, you should:
•    transport goods in a clean, sealable container
•    make sure that cheesecake and any cakes or desserts containing fresh cream are left out of the fridge for the shortest time possible, ideally not longer than 4 hours
•    when handling goods use tongs or a cake slice

3)    GSU Catering

GSU offers catering through our venues (Lower Deck, Deep End, Tudor Café, Candy Shack). Your student group coordinator can talk you through the appropriate process and support you to build a catering offer for your event
Email activities@greenwich.ac.uk or speak to us on campus for more information

4)    External catering

For external caterers to be approved to cater your event, the Students’ Union requires:
•    Food Hygiene Certificate
•    Public Liability Insurance 
•    Risk Assessment
If these documents are not provided, the company cannot cater your event
We normally require at least three weeks notice to obtain these documents and discuss with the caterers how the food would be supplied.



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