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Electing your Leaders

As a democratic organisation all of our committee members must be elected or co-opted to their roles by the members in their group. All elections must be free and fair.

running a committee
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Student groups are led by volunteer committee members who are current students. Committees work together to organise events and bring students together. As a democratic organisation all of our committee members have to be elected to their roles by the members in their group. All elections must be free and fair.

Student Group elections are at the end of the second term, between March-April. They are held on our online elections system and the elections are automatic.

Any member of any group can run in an election, and it is a great way to get engaged with your club or society, take more responsibility, and offer a brilliant professional experience that can benefit you throughout your career.

Key Roles

There are two core roles that every affiliated group must have, and they are: President and Treasurer. There are other roles that can be added to your committee, and this will differ depending on what group you are, and what your student group needs are.

The roles you need should already be in the system, but if you think they are incorrect or need changing email activities@gre.ac.uk

Key Dates

The Union will publish its elections date and send out communications to student groups about them in Term 2 so your groups can prepare.

Elections Rules

The Union has a set of published rules that will be reviewed and published each year for elections.

View Elections Rules Here

What Happens if we don’t fill all of our roles?

If roles are not filled, student groups can either run a by-election or follow our co-opting process to fill vacant positions.

By-Elections (Term 3)

Co-Opting (September - February)

view co-option process here



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