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Committee Admin and Meetings

Running a society takes a lot of planning and organisation, as well as meetings with your committee members to plan future events.

running a committee
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How often should our committee meet?

Depending on the size you may want to meet more regularly or less frequently, but a good recommendation is to meet every two weeks to be able to keep on top of events and planning. 

How long should a committee meeting be?

Meetings can be as long or brief as you like, but to respect everyone's busy schedules, make sure you set an end time for the meeting. Also, if you aren't sure, ask your committee what they think!

If you are having meetings which are longer than an hour, make sure to take breaks, drink water and catch some fresh air!

What should we talk about during committee meetings?

During meetings, you can talk about how your last event went, what preparations need doing for the next event, and check if the society is acting in line with the goals you set for yourself.

When discussing your last event, use these questions as conversation starters.

  • How did you think the last event went?
  • How many people attended? Was it more or less than expected?
  • Did you hear/receive feedback? What was it?

In terms of next events, think about:

  • How can we use this last event to shape the next one?
  • What admin needs sorting out beforehand? Think emails and social media promoting!
  • Can we afford to carry out this event as it currently stands?

Another aspect to check up on is the capacity of the committee members. While the President should make sure no one is overworked or stressed, it is not the responsibility of the President to provide advice regarding balancing stress and workload. You can signpost committees to this stress and mental health support information.

What if a committee member misses a meeting?

While we strongly encourage every committee member to be present at each meeting, this isn't always possible. During each meeting, the Secretary has to take Minutes during the meeting. This is a record of the meeting, including the agenda and what points were made by each person. Not only does this mean there is a digital copy of the meeting, it holds people accountable for promises they may have made. 

How can I keep my meetings structured and organised?

Use the Agenda Template and Minutes Template to help keep your committee organised. We recommend that every committee meeting has an agenda and minutes that are shared with the whole committee with time to review and comment.

Download a copy of an Agenda Template

Download a copy of a Minutes Template



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