How to communicate with your members - add an email and send messages through your admin tools
The Activities Committee is a group of student volunteers who make up a representative body for all student-led groups at GSU.
The place you submit all your activity for approval - everything you need to know about the Activities Dashboard
The GSU Activities Development is available to all ratified GSU student groups to apply for to develop an existing offer or create new opportunities for members.
Everything you need to know about creating, editing and deleting articles from the committee hub.
Cards and alert boxes are really useful for making your content stand out.
‘Catering at Events’ guidance to help you ensure all provision of food at events is safe and compliant with legislation.
Running a society takes a lot of planning and organisation, as well as meetings with your committee members to plan future events.
Student groups, academic societies and sports clubs are at the centre of most people's university experience. All student groups at GSU are run but student volunteers are called committee members.
Running a student committee can be really stressful, especially alongside your studies and other commitments. We understand that tasks and meetings might be piling up, so we want to make sure you don't reach burn out.
As student groups are a legal part of GSU, it is a requirement that student groups complete and submit several official documents each year to ensure that we remain legally compliant.
It is essential that we work with our Sports clubs and Societies to make sure all activities are risk assessed thoroughly, and that these risk assessments are followed accordingly.
When creating your student group, deciding on the membership price is probably one of the first things you think about!
Report + Support is the University’s online platform where students can disclose how they have been affected by different forms of harassment, including bullying, discrimination, hate incident/crime, and sexual misconduct.
As a democratic organisation all of our committee members must be elected or co-opted to their roles by the members in their group. All elections must be free and fair.
If your event is going to feature an external speaker, then you will need to make sure you complete the external speaker request form on the Activities Dashboard (found within the 'New Activity' forms).
Lots of groups fundraise to support charities and causes big and small, or to raise an income to support student group activity.
Learn how to add relevant photos and screenshots to your articles to make things clearer.
When engaging in something you're passionate about, there can be disagreements and conflict. How conflict is handled can significantly impact the delivery of a student group.
Meet the team that support Student Leaders at Greenwich Students' Union!
How to raise funds to spend through the year.
By law any accident or incident, however minor, must be reported to your dedicated member of staff within 24 hours.
How to add downloadable resources and tag them so that they appear in the correct places.
You can create additional sections on the site at any point as your committee hub expands.
For any committee members who are leading on securing sponsorship we have created the below guidance for you to consider when securing a sponsor.
Payments come in all shapes and sizes. In order to ensure your suppliers can receive payment on time, our finance procedures need to be followed.
Lots of helpful information on how to plan and run events is available in our Student Leader Event Guide
A run through of how to embed YouTube videos within your articles.